XML providers

As you might have seen in the Quick start tutorial, you need to provide an implementation for IUserAuthenticator, IPasswordEncoder, IUserPermissionListProvider, IRolePermissionListProvider and IUserRoleListProvider to create a domain. Ori is shipped with a very basic implementation for each of them. (They can be found in the ori.impl.provider.xml package)


XmlRolePermissionListProvider implements IRolePermissionListProvider.

It's configuration file looks like that:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

	<role name="administrator">
		<module name="Secret" actions="read,write"/>
		<module name="Public" actions="read,write"/>
	<role name="user">
		<module name="Public" actions="read,write"/>

The code will look like that:

File rolelistFile = new File("src/test/resources/rolelist.xml");
IRoleListProvider roleListProvider = new XmlRoleListProvider(rolelistFile);


XmlMultipleProvider implements IUserAuthenticator, IUserPermissionListProvider and IUserRoleListProvider.

It's configuration file looks like that:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

	<user 	login="a" 
		roles="administrator,user" />	
	<user 	login="b" 
		roles="user" />
	<user 	login="c" 
		<module name="Secret" actions="read" />

The code will look like that:

File userroleFile = new File("src/test/resources/userrole.xml");
XmlMultipleProvider multipleProvider = new XmlMultipleProvider(userroleFile);
IUserAuthenticator userAuthenticator = multipleProvider;
IUserPermissionListProvider userPermissionListProvider = multipleProvider;
IUserRoleListProvider userRoleListProvider = multipleProvider;

Once you have all of these, you can create you domain (see Quick start)